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B2Sea conducted a Market Analysis and Business Intelligence Report of the Greek Maritime Landscape

We are pleased to announce that B2Sea has conducted a Market Analysis and Business Intelligence Report of the Greek Maritime Landscape for the esteemed Norwegian Embassy in Athens.

The main aim of the report was to understand the barriers impeding further collaboration between the maritime clusters of Greece and Norway and propose some indicative actions towards their overcoming.

The Report was presented at the Norwegian Maritime Exporters event “Erfaringskonferansen 2024” held in Aalesund, the heart of the Norwegian maritime cluster, on Tuesday, January 24, accepting the invitation of the Norwegian Embassy in Athens.

Key researches. Manos Charitos (Researcher/Analyst, Naftika Chronika) and Dimitris Gavalas (Assoc. Professor, UOA), presented the key findings of the project “Navigating the Greek Shipping Industry: Practices, Trends, and Opportunities for Norwegian Exporters”.

The event was attended by over 100 stakeholders of the Norwegian maritime cluster and representatives of Norwegian maritime companies. The conference’s audience showed keen interest in the findings of the research presented, a fact that creates optimism for future collaborations between the Greek and Norwegian maritime clusters.

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